Thursday 16 September 2010

What people don't notice...

One thing I have been astounded by is how much people DON'T see.

I honestly believe that sometimes I could walk down the street naked and no-one would notice. I'm not going to test that theory though!

In my experience "people" seem to walk around in a daze not noticing whats right in front of them - and if there is something out of the ordinary, people's minds seem to fill-in or skip over it.

The image in this blog was taken shortly before walking by several people who noticed nothing. They didn't turn around after I passed them either. If they had they would have had a clear view of my thong panties and ass cheeks. I was feeling brave so I didn't cover up as soon as I passed people. The thrill of being exposed along with the risk of getting caught was amazing!


  1. So Dude....I live in Boston and I HAVE taken the risk. I've often thought there shoud be a site devoted to guys walking around naked in the city. It is amazing how people mostly see what they expect to see, and in my case they don't expcet to see a tattooed guy with a pierced cock walking down the street naked...and I mean no clothes handy to cover up...out the door and down the street totally fucking naked and hard...every once in a while someone sees and cruises back around for another look..."hey, man, you're naked" is the usual and my response is usually, yeah, so...wanna suck it? if you're in the South End of Boston and see a guy walking his hog....probably me.

  2. Salut les garcons!
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